
  • Patil Siddhant Vitthal, Sundaresan Balasubramanian, Dr. Pravin Mane, “Color Analysis and Classification Based on Machine Learning Technique using RGB Camera”, IEEE - 2017 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research (ICCIC), pp.1-5 [Link to Article]
  • Patil Siddhant Vitthal, Amartya Basak, Dr. Pravin Mane, “Design of Voltage Amplifiers with Optimization of Multiple Design Parameters”, IEEE - 2018 International Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ICDCS), pp. 72-76 [Link to Article]
  • Patil Siddhant Vitthal, Dr. Debasis Patnaik, “Asset Allocation Strategies in Taiwan and India”, 2018 International Conference on Emerging Issues and Challenges in Commerce and Management, Ajanta, Volume VII, Issue II, Part I, April 2018, pp. 29-37 [Link to Article]


  • Patil Siddhant Vitthal, Dr. Pravin Mane, “VeMSC: Application of Vedic Mathematics for designing Multipliers, Squarers and Cubers”, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET), Volume 5 - Issue 6, November-December 2019 [Link to Article]